Monday 7 January 2013

A Current Submission

Finally, I had the nerve to submit my tangle for Challenge #101 by "I am the diva".  This should mean some extra views from the tangling community, so hopefully I will get a couple comments that I can take ahead with me.

The "diva" and her husband, "B-rad", invented a new tangle called Phicop.  Quite cute and I can see using it in my ZIA because it looks nautical to me...part shell...part pure tangle.  I can see it being really curvy or even fairly straight...I practiced it in a circle, square and triangle and it worked in all of them.  Anyway, here was my submission:

the Phicops are the figures outlined in red.

I completed two more challenges today, Challenge 20 & 21.  Challenge 20 was based on the Royal Wedding.  It is amazing how many patterns you can see and pick up on when you are really looking for them.  There were many that I could see which could be "tangled".  However, I kept it down to about half a dozen and this is my submission:

My favourite is the middle "archway" which I based on the ceiling shot where a ridge ran down the centre then arched out to the sides of the hall.  Anyway, this gives a bit of a taste of how ornate the whole affair was!

The next Challenge, #21, was called Oof and is based on a repeating overlapping circle pattern.  I thought I would have lots of trouble drawing the circles, but the way the steps are laid out, it was really quite easy!  Here is my attempt:

Oof is the pattern at the bottom. It made me think of a shower curtain from the '70s so I used a curvy curtain rod as one of my string lines.

My newest ZIA is coming along nicely...about half finished, I'd say.  I may have pics of it by tomorrow...we will have to see how the day goes.

So, back to the drawing...doodling board!

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